When you travel, have you noticed that there are places with these energies that seem to pull you towards them?
I have been in many cities throughout my travels and there are some places that, almost from the minute you arrive, you can tell if this is a positive energy place for you or a negative energy place. When I was looking to move within Florida almost 18 years ago, I decided to drive the great state from coast to coast and tip to tip. I traveled along every coast, beach, inland, cities and rural areas. But when I drove through Orlando, it seemed to capture me. I didn't even get out of my car. I was driving down I-4 and I said "this is it." Not three months later, I had secured a position here and was in my new apartment. I fell in love. I don't know why (do we ever know why?)
I have had a few experiences like that since then. Vancouver was one such place. Switzerland. Colorado Springs. Chicago. I'm sure that I have not traveled all the places that I think will give me that high. But some places just seem to "fit."
Recently, I had the chance to travel to San Diego for work. I had been there maybe all of 15 minutes. Had not even left the airport for my hotel yet, but I felt it. I felt found as if I had been lost. It's a feeling that sometimes you can't explain. It felt like a soothing vibration, like the purr of a cat against your chest. The smell, the air and the weather! The weather!
When you live most of the year in intense humidity and you step into this God created near perfect climate, you just can't believe it. Not only is it blessed to be surrounded by mountains, but this gorgeous California sea coast. All wrapped together under this blue umbrella of a sky.
From my hotel room near the convention center, I overlooked an inlet where majestic sailboats drifted by, with the sun shining so bright that it looked like diamonds dancing on the surface of the water. I was transfixed as if in a hypnotic state.
When I snapped out of it I said to myself "no wonder it cost a small fortune to live here." Draining lifeblood out of my body.
I know that I've had a bit of wanderlust lately. That's what happens when you want to escape present situations. You get to fantasize about something, somewhere, someone else.
I got to do a lot of that in San Diego, on all levels. The outcomes were mixed and surprising. It never ceases to amaze me just how much more that I need to learn. But as they say, life is a journey, not a destination. I wonder why then we are always seeking a place to arrive?
I only know that while there, I glowed. Glowed. It felt good to glow.
Because I was there for work, I did not have time to explore much of the surrounding areas. La Jolla, Carlsbad, Del Mar, the beaches and the like. I wanted to go to the zoo and a Padres game.
Walk on a beach. See the Sea Lions. Go to Coronado Island and Mission Bay. But alas, this will need to wait for another time.
I was so jazzed that I even started looking for jobs out there, exploring the cost of living and how I could possibly move across the country on a whim. Something that I have not done in a very long time. Those whims.
But (you knew that was coming), I have a home here and responsibilities. Oh to be carefree to the point of not having the ties that bind. To slip the bonds of restraints and fly away. To experience newness and a fresh perspective. To not look back.
Will I ever live there? Who knows? I certainly have life experiences here that I must complete before I could seriously entertain the thought. I just know it's on my list.
I'm just passing by...
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